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中华关节外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (05) : 596 -603. doi: 10.3877/ cma.j.issn.1674-134X.2024.05.006


蒲彦婷1,(), 吴翠先1, 兰玉梅1   
  1. 1.621701 江油市第二人民医院
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-19 出版日期:2024-10-01
  • 通信作者: 蒲彦婷

Nomograph model for predicting risk of osteoporoticpatients with rheumatoid arthritis

Yanting Pu1,(), Cuixian Wu1, Yumei Lan1   

  1. 1.Jiangyou Second People's Hospital, Jiangyou 621701, China
  • Received:2023-12-19 Published:2024-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Yanting Pu

蒲彦婷, 吴翠先, 兰玉梅. 类风湿关节炎患者骨质疏松症风险预测列线图模型构建[J/OL]. 中华关节外科杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(05): 596-603.

Yanting Pu, Cuixian Wu, Yumei Lan. Nomograph model for predicting risk of osteoporoticpatients with rheumatoid arthritis[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(05): 596-603.










To explore the risk factors of osteoporosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis(RA) and build a prediction model.


A total of 520 RA patients admitted to the Second People's Hospital of Jiangyou City from January 2021 to June 2022 were selected as the study objects. All the patients underwent bone mineral density examination and volunteered to participate in the study. Exclusion criteria:renal or thyroid dysfunction, malignant tumors, endocrine diseases, osteoarthritis, pregnancy. The patients were randomly divided into modeling group (n=364) and verification group (n=156) according to the ratio of 7∶3. According to the occurrence of osteoporosis, the patients were divided into developing group and nondeveloping group. Clinical data such as age, gender, medical history, smoking, drinking, course of disease and laboratory indicators were collected. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression were used to analyze the risk factors affecting the occurrence of osteoporosis in RA patients. The calibration curve and Hosmer-LemeshowH-L) test were used to evaluate the calibration degree of the calibration model, and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was drawn to verify the differentiation of the model.


The incidence of osteoporosis in 520 patients was 44.8% (233/520). The incidence of osteoporosis in the modeling group was 45.1% (164/364). The incidence of osteoporosis in the verification group was 44.2% (69/156). The results of multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that calcium intake[odds ratio (OR)=2.439], history of glucocorticoid use (OR=2.552), age (OR=1.151), body mass index (BMI) (OR=0.882), duration of disease(OR=1.071), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) level (OR=1.057), disease activity in 28 joints DAS28 score(OR=2.386) was an independent factor for the occurrence of osteoporosis (P<0.05). Based on the above risk factors, a nomogram model was established to predict the risk of osteoporosis in RA patients, and internal and external verification was carried out. The results showed that the calibration curve and ideal curve fit well in both the modeling group and the verification group, indicating that the risk of osteoporosis predicted by the model was basically consistent with the actual risk. The areas under ROC curve were 0.907[ 95% confidence interval (CI)(0.876, 0.939)]and 0.899[ 95%CI (0.8850, 0.948)]respectively, indicating that the prediction model had good prediction ability.


The factors influencing the development of osteoporosis in patients with RA include age, BMI, course of disease, history of glucocorticoid use, calcium intake level, ESR level, and DAS28 score. The prediction model based on the above risk factors can effectively predict the risk of osteoporosis in RA patients, which is helpful for clinicians to identify RA patients with early osteoporosis.

表1 建模组和验证组的一般资料
Table 1 General data of the modeling group and the validation group
因素Factors 建模组Modeling group 验证组Validation group 统计值Statistical value P
例数Number of cases 364 156
男Male 166(45.6) 63(40.4) χ 2=1.207 >0.05
女Female 198(54.4) 93(59.6)
骨折史[例(%)]History of bone fracture
有Yes 68(18.7) 22(15.4) χ 2=1.600 >0.05
无No 296(81.3) 134(84.6)
骨质疏松家族史[例(%)]Family history of osteoporosis
有Yes 107(29.4) 34(21.8) χ 2=3.192 >0.05
无No 257(70.6) 122(78.2)
累计关节数[例(%)]Cumulative joint number
<3个 120(33.0) 53(34.0) χ 2=0.050 >0.05
≥3个 244(67.0) 103(66.0)
有Yes 130(65.7) 60(64.5) χ 2=0.036 >0.05
无No 68(34.3) 33(35.3)
有Yes 135(37.1) 46(29.5) χ 2=2.780 >0.05
无No 229(62.9) 110(70.5)
有Yes 129(35.4) 47(30.1) χ 2=1.376 >0.05
无No 235(64.6) 109(69.9)
钙摄入[例(%)]Calcium intake
≥600 mg 312(85.7) 126(80.8) χ 2=2.010 >0.05
<600 mg 52(14.3) 30(19.2)
使用糖皮质激素史[例(%)]History of glucocorticoid
有Yes 101(27.7) 36(23.1) χ 2=1.227 >0.05
无No 263(72.3) 120(76.9)
年龄[岁,(x¯±s)]Age(years) 56.8±6.2 55.9±6.3 t=1.586 >0.05
BMI[kg/m2,(x¯±s)] 23.3±3.4 23.5±3.3 t=0.492 >0.05
病程[个月,(x¯±s)]Course of disease (month) 40.3±7.9 41.3±7.7 t=1.441 >0.05
抗CCP抗体[U/ml,(x¯±s)]Anti-CCP antibody 371.5±58.9 368.6±55.7 t=0.528 >0.05
RF[IU/ml,(x±s)] 75.2±20.9 73.47±19.9 t=0.862 >0.05
25(OH)D[μg/L,(x¯±s)] 14.6±4.2 14.1±4.3 t=1.034 >0.05
ESR[mm/h,(x¯±s)] 58.4±11.0 56.89±10.8 t=1.414 >0.05
CRP[mg/L,(x¯±s)] 15.6±4.5 15.1±4.5 t=1.111 >0.05
亮氨酸氨基肽酶[U/L,(x¯±s)]Leucine aminopeptidase 25.5±6.9 24.7±6.9 t=1.231 >0.05
DAS28评分[分,(x¯±s)] 5.9±1.3 5.8±1.3 t=0.732 >0.05
Sharp评分[分,(x¯±s)]Sharp score 66.7±17.1 68.8±16.9 t=1.164 >0.05
HAQ评分[分,(x¯±s)]HAQ score 1.5±0.5 1.5±0.5 t=0.407 >0.05
表2 建模组骨质疏松症发生的单因素分析
Table 2 Univariate analysis of osteoporosis occurrence in the modeling group
因素Factors 例数Number of cases 骨质疏松组Osteoporosis group 未发生组Non-osteoporosis group 统计值Statistical value P
例数Number of cases 164 200
男Male 166 76(45.8) 90(54.2) χ 2=0.065 >0.05
女Female 198 88(44.4) 110(55.6)
骨折史[例(%)]History of bone fracture
有Yes 68 33(48.5) 35(51.5) χ 2=0.408 >0.05
无No 296 131(44.3) 165(55.7)
骨质疏松家族史[例(%)]Family history of osteoporosis
有Yes 107 51(47.7) 56(52.3) χ 2=0.417 >0.05
无No 257 113(44.0) 144(56.0)
累计关节数[例(%)]Cumulative joint number
<3个 120 38(31.7) 82(68.3) χ 2=12.962 <0.001
≥3个 244 126(51.6) 118(48.4)
有Yes 130 70(53.9) 60(46.1) χ 2=13.551 <0.001
无No 68 18(6.5) 50(73.5)
有Yes 135 58(43.0) 77(57.0) χ 2=0.379 >0.05
无No 229 106(46.3) 123(53.7)
有Yes 129 55(42.6) 74(57.4) χ 2=0.472 >0.05
无No 235 109(46.4) 126(53.6)
钙摄入[例(%)]Calcium intake
≥600 mg 312 131(42.0) 181(58.0) χ 2=8.303 0.004
<600 mg 52 33(63.5) 19(36.5)
使用糖皮质激素史[例(%)]History of glucocorticoid
有Yes 101 61(60.4) 40(39.6) χ 2=13.289 <0.001
无No 263 103(39.2) 160(60.8)
年龄[岁,(x¯±s)]Age(years) - 60.5±5.9 53.9±6.5 t=10.022 <0.001
BMI[kg/m2,(x¯±s)] - 22.4±3.4 24.01±3.5 t=4.383 <0.001
病程[个月,(x¯±s)]Course of disease (month) - 42.5±6.1 38.4±9.3 t=4.824 <0.001
抗CCP抗体[U/ml,(x¯±s)]Anti-CCP antibody - 354.3±52.9 385.6±63.8 t=5.036 <0.001
RF[IU/ml,(x¯±s)] - 93.1±23.7 60.4±18.6 t=14.742 <0.001
25(OH)D[μg/L,(x¯±s)] - 12.3±3.1 16.4±5.3 t=8.636 <0.001
ESR[mm/h,(x¯±s)] - 62.8±12.4 54.7±10.0 t=6.979 <0.001
CRP[mg/L,(x¯±s)] - 17.1±5.5 14.4±3.7 t=5.680 <0.001
亮氨酸氨基肽酶[U/L,(x¯±s)]Leucine aminopeptidase - 28.6±7.0 22.9±6.7 t=7.953 <0.001
DAS28评分[分,(x¯±s)] - 6.7±1.5 5.2±1.1 t=11.499 <0.001
Sharp评分[分,(x¯±s)]Sharp score - 87.0±19.2 50.3±15.4 t=20.180 <0.001
HAQ评分[分,(x¯±s)]HAQ score - 1.6±0.5 1.5±0.5 t=2.614 0.009
表3 多因素logistic回归分析影响RA患者骨质疏松症发生的危险因素
Table 3 Multivariatelogistic regression analysis of risk factors for osteoporosis in RA patients
图1 影响类风湿性关节炎患者骨质疏松症发生的预测列线图模型
Figure 1 Predictive nomogram model of influence factors in the osteoporosis development of rheumatoid arthritis patients
图2 建模组预测类风湿性关节炎患者骨质疏松症发生的校准曲线
Figure 2 Calibration curve of the modeling group predicting the osteoporosis onset in rheumatoid arthritis patients
图3 验证组预测类风湿性关节炎患者骨质疏松症发生的校准曲线
Figure 3 Calibration curve of the validation group predicting the osteoporosis onset f in rheumatoid arthritis patients
图4 建模组预测类风湿性关节炎患者骨质疏松症发生的ROC(受试者工作特征曲线)
Figure 4ROC of the modeling group predicting osteoporosis in rheumatoid arthritis patients
图5 验证组预测类风湿性关节炎患者骨质疏松症发生的ROC(受试者工作特征曲线)
Figure 5ROC of the validation group predicting osteoporosis in rheumatoid arthritis patients
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